Privacy & policy

The purpose of this privacy policy is to provide clear notice about the user information we may collect online when you visit our website and how we use that information. We have created this statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to make sure your personal information is safe and secure with us.Please read this policy carefully. This policy applies to your use of hibroker's Website (the "Website"). By using the Website, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your information in the manner provided in this policy.This policy does not apply to any other sites. hibroker reserves the right to append or otherwise modify this privacy policy at any time in our sole discretion, so please check this page for updates periodically. Your use of the Website after changes have been made shall be deemed as your acceptance tosuch changes.


  • To 'user', 'you', 'your' and 'yours' are references to the person(s) accessing this website.
  • To 'we', 'us' and 'our' are references to hibroker.

Information We Collect

We have an option on our Website where you can submit information to us, and we also have features that automatically collect information from the users of our Website.

Information Collected Automatically and How We Use It

We do collect non-personally identifiable information ("Non-PII") to identify computers that we have interacted with before. For instance, by using Non-PII, we may be able to identify a computer that has previously visited our Website to see the available properties. In the context of Non-PII, whenever we refer to 'you' or 'yours', please remember that we may be referring to a computer and not an identifiable person since we generally do not know who is using a computer at any particular time.

Through the collection and use of Non-PII, we provide you with the best possible experience and to tailor our services to your interests and needs. Our purpose is to improve the overall quality of our Website and the services we provide and to help us to provide you faster navigation and access to the various sections of the Website. We may disclose this information to other persons for these purposes or for related purposes, including to information technology companies who assist us in constructing, designing and maintaining the website.
Non-PII may include information such as the type of Internet browser used by an online user, the type of computer operating system used, the computer's Internet protocol ("IP") address, the date and time of your visit to the Website, whether you have visited the Website previously, what pages of the Website you accessed and what you downloaded, your usage pattern and characteristics in order to measure interest in and use of various areas of the site.
We collect Non-PII through the use of cookies, pixels and related technologies. A cookie is a file on your browser that uniquely identifies your browser and computer. A pixel is a line of code which is used by a website or third party t to assign online activities to a computer or browser. The use of a pixel allows websites and us to record, for example, that a user has visited a particular web page. Additional Non-PII from an earlier period or interaction may be included in the pixel. Though Non-PII does not personally identify anyone, we are still committed to giving users the opportunity to exercise choice about the Non-PII we collect. See Section titled: User Choice - Opting Out of Receiving Cookies.
Information You Provide To Us

We do not collect personally identifiable information ("PII") from users online unless users affirmatively and deliberately choose to release that information by submitting it by way of registering on our Website. Our registration process request for certain personal information such as name, phone number, e-mail address as well as certain property information in order to assist you in effectively transmitting your expression of interest in our service. By providing us with voluntary PII, you consent to our using the data subject to applicable law.We may use the PII provided by you, to meet your needs and fulfill the request for information you submit,for follow up communications and to send you information services or updates and other information we think may be of interest to you. If you tell us (by accessing opt-out procedure described below) that you do not want us to use the PII information as a basis for any further contact with you, we will respect your wishes.

Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

We may disclose a user's Non-PII and PII when required to do so by law, for example, in response to a court order, subpoena or other legal obligation, in response to a law enforcement agency's request, or in special cases when we reasonably believe that disclosing your PII and Non PII is necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual prohibited activities, including, but not limited to, fraud and situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person or to protect and defend hibroker's rights, interests or property. In additionand if permitted by applicable law we may also disclose and provide access to a user's PII and Non-PII to our vendors and contractors who are performing the services on our behalf. However, such vendors and contractors are not permitted to use such user information for any purpose other than providing services to us. In the above case hibroker shall not be held responsible or liable for any eventuality, loss or damage to the user that may arise out of such action on its part.


Our Website may contain links to the Websites of other third parties. If and when you access these external websites through links or promotions on our Website, then you agree that you will become subject to their respective privacy policies and the information they obtain from you during your visit will be subject to those policies. We are not responsible for any third party websites, their content or their respective privacy policy or how they treat information about their users.

User Choice - Opting Out of Receiving Cookies

We use technology, which includes cookies, through which visitor information may be collected automatically as you navigate through our Websites. We believe that the use of these tools enables us to provide users with a more meaningful web experience.

At all times, you may adjust your computer's web browser settings to refuse all cookies. However, by doing so, you may not be able to use certain features on the websites you visit or take full advantage of all the website offerings. You can remove cookies by following directions provided in your Internet browser's "help" file.
Please note that if you buy a new computer' upgrade or change web browsers or take any action which results in acceptance of the cookies, you will need to perform the above process to refuse all cookies again.
Information Security

We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect against the unauthorized access to, retention of, and disclosure of information. Any information that is stored on our server is treated as confidential information. Please keep in mind, however, that despite these reasonable efforts to protect information on our servers, no method of transmission over the Internet is guaranteed to be secure. Therefore, while we strive to protect your information at all times, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Change to this Privacy Policy

Please note that because of the changing nature of privacy laws, user needs, and our service, we may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. Accordingly, since we want to help you clearly understand our Privacy Policy, and any pertinent revisions, we encourage you to review our Privacy Policy periodically to become aware of any changes that may have occurred.Your use of the Website after changes have been made shall be deemed as your acceptance tosuch changes.

Change and Unsubscribe To the PII We Collect Through Your Correspondence on this Website

If you provide us PII through our "register or contact us" link on this Website, we will keep a record of the information you provide including your email address and any other PII you provide solely for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or to provide you with requested marketing materials or newsletters. Except as set forth in this Privacy Policy, this information will never be shared with third parties without your consent. In case if you wish to have the PII corrected if it is inaccurate or if you wish to exercise the right to opt out from receiving any further contact/communication with you then please e-mail us at

Children's Privacy

Our Website and Services are neither developed for, nor directed at, children under 18, and we do not knowingly collect information from children under age of 18. By using our service you are representing to us that you are at least 18 years old.

Questions or Comments about this Privacy Policy

If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should contact us through email or by mail. You can address your general questions and comments by e-mail to or by mail:

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